Whether it’s summer or winter, babysitters always remain in high demand. If you look around, you can find many daycare centers operating in your town or city, where infants and young children are supervised and cared for.

But, in the current pandemic situation, we’ve seen a significant shift in trend from using daycare services to hiring babysitters. But, admittedly, it has become a little challenging to find a trusted babysitter due to the high demand. On the other hand, if you already have a babysitter at your home, both (parents and babysitters) should follow these Covid-19 rules and SOPs.

For Babysitters:
You should inform the employer as soon as you experience any Covid-19 symptoms. Follow the instructions given by the parents regarding sanitizing the places or toys around the child. Practice the rules of social distancing for outside activities offered by the parents.

For Parents:
Prefer to hire just one babysitter for your home. Inform her of all of your instructions for the outside activities. Keep checking whether your babysitter has access to hand sanitizer and soap or not.

1 Comment

  • Susanne
    Posted October 28, 2021 11:03 pm 0Likes

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