Babysitters subscription plan

Babysitter Basic
59 zł

Get Access in babysitter Category for Two Weeks

Services provide in-home child care services to infants (Price Based On Two Weeks)
Babysitting Silver
89.99 zł

Get Access to babysitter Category for 1 Month and Save 23%

22.50 zł / week for Toddlers, twins, and children with special needs.
Babysitting Gold
129 zł

Get Access to babysitter Category for 3 Months and Save 36%

10.75 zł / week Babysitting Best Plan It's the right plan for you.
About Us

We works with families to select candidates in order to provide their families with the utmost care.

Open Hours

Mon-Fri: 9 AM - 6 PM
Saturday: 9 AM - 4 PM
Tel: 668 853 156


Cloud Elite Sp. z o. o., ul.Kaczeńców 12B, 05-462 Otwock
